Brickwares Custom Art

August 5, 2010 Day and Night (2007) Posted In: Featured Articles, Mosaics, Splash

(This entry is part of a look at early mosaics I’ve made).

After an attempt at “fine art”, and some success with a gray scale palette, I decided to combine the two. I’ve always been a fan of M.C. Escher, his work challenges the eye and the mind. I own a print of “Day and Night”, and set out to recreate it in brick. In some ways, it was very easy, as the design lends itself to a mosaic, and with so few colors to manage, it made for fairly quick work. Upon seeing the pictures of this mosaic I’ve had people tell me they hadn’t realized it was made of LEGO, which is a compliment, I guess.

A close up look at the “day” side. In this shot, you can make out some of the larger bricks. I’ve always used various sizes in my pieces, never liked the conformity of having to use only 1×1. For that matter, most people tend to use 1×1 plates, and I’m about as far from that as I can get. Sometimes it’s worked against me, with larger mosaics the weight factor definitely becomes an issue, but for the time being, I have no plans to change the way I work.

F poses with the piece, adds scale. This mosaic didn’t take an exceptionally long time, though it did have some challenges. Lots of small areas, and it was tricky to ensure the scale and “offset” was right in places, especially the bird section.

Thanks for checking out the piece, hope you enjoyed it.

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