I was afforded an opportunity to have my work included in a local art show. The good folks at Endeavor Gallery in Calgary were looking for examples of Robot Art, by robots, or for robots. I chose to create a mosaic of one of cinema’s most beloved robots “The Iron Giant”.
I love the movie, and set to work creating something worthy of the occasion. The piece is 30 inches by 30 inches, 4 XL baseplates.
I also made another piece for the show, called “Goat”. It wasn’t a mosaic, but more of a first step towards mask work, taking the flat image, and giving it some depth. I think it turned out fairly well, and has a few touches of me in there.
Tagged: Brickwares, Calgary Lego, Dave Ware, Endeavor Art Gallery, Goat, Iron Giant, lego, Lego art
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