Brickwares Custom Art

January 19, 2011 Microscale City Posted In: Non-Mosaic Builds, Splash

I love microscale LEGO builds. Maybe it’s the board game-like appearance, or maybe it’s the polar opposite-ness from mosaic building, but i’m hooked. I’m still my first year learning the ins and outs, and i’m sure as time passes i’ll get better at details and layouts, but here are some pics of what i’ve built thus far.

A wide shot of the city thus far. You can see that along the north edge, there is only a single lane of road. I’ll likely go back and correct that, to make it truly modular.

The Parking Garage was one of the first buildings I built. Those trans-clear cheese sure come in handy for windshields. I suspect I spent too much time worrying about leaving spaces on each level for the cars to move from level to level, but so be it.

About four days into this project, I found a tall grey building sitting in the city, added by either helpful elves, or my erstwhile assistant, Monkeyboy Jr. I liked it, so I modified it slightly, to add more windows, and incorporated it into the city. The monkey idea was “borrowed” with love from Shannonia (see below for links).

Ever really small person needs to aspire to great things, so I added this university. Actually, it could also be the city hall. I experimented with smaller windows, and when I got to the top, found a couple of rounded brown pieces which gave it some real character.

This was simply a chance to use a bunch of trans-clear 1x2s I had picked up at the local Pick-a-Brick Wall. Very Louvrey. I decided to add some trans-green to the corners to give it a different look than the regular grass.

A wider shot of the town square. Originally, I had planned on having an Aquarius-type character as the statue. But then I liked the look of the golden plate, and it begged to have a fire in it. At that point, I thought, “Giant Robot with Guns”, like you do.

If you’re interested in checking out more microscale stuff, Microbricks is a great website devoted to it. Also, TWINLUG has developed a standard which I mostly try to stick to, as it makes things a little easier to deal with. Also, one cannot write a post about microscale without a nod to Shannonia, by Shannon Young. It’s simply excellent.

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